Tour component is used to display product tour information.
import { tour } from '@mekari/pixel3'
// Use tour function with steps and options parameter to show tour on your applications
tour(isStartTour, steps, options)
steps: [
target: '#tour-dashboard-1', // define target element, using web API document.querySelector() under the hood, if not defined Tour will render as intro.
options: { // option object receive any valid Popper.js configuration
placement: 'bottom' // placement of content, default to bottom
isHighlighted: true, // show highlighted target element
highlightColor: 'pink', // variant of highlight color, available pink, blue and black
isScrollIntoElement: true, // scrolling into target element, using web API scrollTo() under the hood
offset: 0 // set top offset when scrolling into target element, default to 16
render: (next, prev, close) => void // render of tour, return next, prev and close functions
options: {
id: 'tour', // id for MpTour
stepIndex: 0, // represent index for first tour, default to 0
isDisableScroll: false, // if true, disabled scrolling event in body
isManual: true, // if true, handle MpTour event manually
isDebug: true, // if true, show debug info in console
next: nextFunction, // function for handle next action, return step index
prev: prevFunction, // function for handle back action, return step index
close: closeFunction, // function for handle back action, return step index
Name | Type | Default |
isStartTour | boolean | false |
steps | array | [] |
options | string | object | {} |