Utility Props ​
List of style properties that can be used in CSS function or CSS props.
Background ​
Background Colors ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
bg , background | background | colors |
bgColor , backgroundColor | background-color | colors |
bgGradient | background-image | gradients |
Background Gradients ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
bgGradient | background-image | gradients |
textGradient | background-image | gradients |
gradientFrom | --gradient-from | colors |
gradientTo | --gradient-to | colors |
gradientVia | --gradient-via | colors |
Border ​
Border ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
border | border | borders |
borderX , borderInline | borderInline | borders |
borderY , borderBlock | borderBlock | borders |
borderStart , borderInlineStart | borderInlineStart | borders |
borderEnd , borderInlineEnd | borderInlineEnd | borders |
Border Radi ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
rounded ,borderRadius | border-radius | radii |
roundedTopLeft ,borderTopLeftRadius | border-top-left-radius | radii |
roundedTopRight ,borderTopRight | border-top-right-radius | radii |
roundedBottomRight ,borderBottomRight | border-bottom-right-radius | radii |
roundedBottomLeft ,borderBottomLeft | border-bottom-left-radius | radii |
roundedTop ,borderTopRadius | border-top-{left+right}-radius | radii |
roundedRight ,borderRightRadius | border-{top+bottom}-right-radius | radii |
roundedBottom ,borderBottomRadius | border-bottom-{left+right}-radius | radii |
roundedLeft ,borderLeftRadius | border-{top+bottom}-left-radius | radii |
Border Width ​
Prop | CSS Property |
borderWidth | border-width |
borderTopWidth | border-top-width |
borderLeftWidth | border-left-width |
borderRightWidth | border-right-width |
borderBottomWidth | border-bottom-width |
borderXWidth , borderInlineWidth | border-{left+right}-width |
borderYWidth , borderBlockWidth | border-{top+bottom}-width |
Border Color ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
borderColor | border-color | colors |
borderTopColor | border-top-color | colors |
borderLeftColor | border-left-color | colors |
borderRightColor | border-right-color | colors |
borderBottomColor | border-bottom-color | colors |
Effects ​
Opacity ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
opacity | opacity | opacity |
Box Shadow ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
boxShadow | box-shadow | shadows |
shadow | box-shadow | shadows |
shadowColor | --shadow-color | colors |
Sizing ​
Width ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
w , width | width | sizing |
maxW , maxWidth | max-width | sizing |
minW , minWidth | min-width | sizing |
Height ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
h , height | height | sizing |
maxH , maxHeight | max-height | sizing |
minH , minHeight | min-height | sizing |
Spacing ​
Position ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
top | top | spacing |
right | right | spacing |
bottom | bottom | spacing |
left | left | spacing |
Padding ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
p ,padding | padding | spacing |
pl , paddingLeft | padding-left | spacing |
pr , paddingRight | padding-right | spacing |
pt , paddingTop | padding-top | spacing |
pb , paddingBottom | padding-bottom | spacing |
px , paddingX | padding-left | spacing |
py , paddingY | padding-top | spacing |
Margin ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
m ,margin | margin | spacing |
ml , marginLeft | margin-left | spacing |
mr , marginRight | margin-right | spacing |
mt , marginTop | margin-top | spacing |
mb , marginBottom | margin-bottom | spacing |
mx , marginX | margin-left | spacing |
my , marginY | margin-top | spacing |
Typography ​
Font Properties ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
fontFamily | font-family | fonts |
fontSize | font-size | fontSizes |
fontWeight | font-weight | fontWeights |
letterSpacing | letter-spacing | letterSpacings |
lineHeight | line-height | lineHeights |
textDecorationColor | text-decoration-color | colors |
textEmphasisColor | text-emphasis-color | colors |
textIndent | text-indent | spacing |
textShadow | text-shadow | shadows |
Truncate ​
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
lineClamp | webkit-line-clamp | none |
truncate | text-overflow | none |
Text Styles ​
Prop | Config |
textStyle | textStyles |